What is Sashimi? Introducing the New “Art of Sashimi Masterclass”

What is Sashimi? Introducing the New “Art of Sashimi Masterclass”

As many people would agree, sushi is one of the representative foods of Japanese cuisine. However, you must remember another delicacy that makes the cuisine unique – Sashimi. We acknowledge that sushi draws the attention of food enthusiasts and chefs worldwide.  Although, this does not Read More

The Most Comprehensive Sushi Training Online: Sushi Masterclass -Advanced-

The Most Comprehensive Sushi Training Online: Sushi Masterclass -Advanced-

So far, we have introduced some testimonials from former students who took our Sushi Masterclass -Foundation- Course. Anybody from home chefs to experienced sushi chefs has taken advantage of the course, and we have seen the great demand and importance over the years. There is Read More

Try MJCA’s Online Sushi Class for Free!

Try MJCA’s Online Sushi Class for Free!

Through our educational activities, we have seen and heard from people all over the world who work with professional sushi chefs and food enthusiasts who are interested in the art of sushi. Undoubtedly, there is a huge demand for courses like ours for people looking Read More

Review: Online Sushi Chef Certification Class

Review: Online Sushi Chef Certification Class

As Japanese cuisine has become a favorite cuisine for many people around the globe, many aspiring chefs and home cooks are searching for Japanese cooking courses. However, there seems to be a problem. For instance, only a few schools for Japanese cuisine are available for Read More

Japan to ease entry ban: One step closer to learn Japanese cuisine in Japan!

Japan to ease entry ban: One step closer to learn Japanese cuisine in Japan!

Good news for those wishing to go to Japan sometime soon to learn more about Japanese cuisine in Japan! If you are fully-vaccinated and the purpose of entry is business or study (not sightseeing!), then the quarantine period will be shortened from 10 days to Read More

Unique sushi experience for German youth para-athletes by MJCA

Unique sushi experience for German youth para-athletes by MJCA

MJCA’s initiative to provide a Japanese cuisine experience to German junior Para-athletes on September 3rd was featured by a leading local newspaper, Koelner Stadt Anzeiger. MJCA partnered with German National Paralympic Committee/Deutscher Behindertensportverband e.V. (DBV) to provide a Japanese cooking event for 30 junior athletes with Read More

L’école de cuisine en ligne qui élève la cuisine japonaise en Europe au niveau supérieur

L’école de cuisine en ligne qui élève la cuisine japonaise en Europe au niveau supérieur

Original article (German) L’école de cuisine en ligne qui élève la cuisine japonaise en Europe au niveau supérieur Les sushis peuvent être de la restauration rapide bon marché ou bien une cuisine sophistiquée, selon les compétences du chef. Afin de mettre l’expertise nécessaire à la Read More

First article about our academy is out!

First article about our academy is out!

The very first article about our online courses is published in Japan Digest! Japan digest is a magazine in Germany featuring food, trip, cultures of Japan. I am a big fan of both paper & online versions of their articles because there are always new Read More

Group session is so much fun! -sushi course

Group session is so much fun! -sushi course

Our online culinary course is very unique in multiple ways. For example, our visual-rich materials demonstrate the real techniques of a master chef.You can get personal feedback from the chefs as many times as you like. One of the other unique features is “a weekly Read More

Sushi course students making great progress!

Sushi course students making great progress!

Our academy started the first trial course of sushi ultimate foundation course on Feb 5th, 2019 and there are currently three active trial participants! They found our academy through Instagram and all of them are very passionate about learning sushi techniques. Look at the nigiri Read More