Our online culinary course is very unique in multiple ways.
For example, our visual-rich materials demonstrate the real techniques of a master chef.
You can get personal feedback from the chefs as many times as you like.
One of the other unique features is “a weekly online group session” during the course (in total 5-6 sessions).
That is where course participants ask questions directly to an experienced chef mentor.
Our course participants find the sessions extremely helpful and the sessions are always very exciting.
Curious about what we are discussing in the session? The popular topics during the sushi ultimate foundation course are:
- What if I couldn’t find the rice recommended in the course?
- I followed instruction for cooking rice, but the result was not great. What could I do differently?
- How to identify the good quality of nori that is suitable for sushi rolls?
- Cook rice with a pot or a rice cooker?
- How could I buy sushi quality salmon or toro blocks as an individual? etc…
They can learn the basics from our course materials, but the challenges that each participant faces are totally different because their location, culinary background, and experience, available tools and ingredients are completely different.
Our chef mentors explain the principle that can be applied to any situation (then participants can judge by themselves based on the principles) as well as provide concrete advice according to the individual situation.
That’s why our participants find this weekly session very helpful and they enjoy the session very much!
If you have any interest in the course or academy, we are always available @ Facebook, Instagram, and E-mail