Same fish, same recipe, same cook, different result. Here is why.

Same fish, same recipe, same cook, different result. Here is why.

(Previous story: read from here)

This is my third trial of making miso salmon.

My previous try looked like this:

And the feedback from the chef was:

  1. Should be more browned
  2. Slice the fillet diagonally. Then the surface of the meat gets bigger and the fish meat gets marinated more efficiently.
    (And the fish piece looks bigger as well!)

Based on this advice, I sliced the salmon differently this time as below.

To test if the pieces get marinated better than last time, I grilled some pieces after marinating 2 days.

My self-reflection is:

It is indeed marinated better than last time. So, how to slice is a very important element of marinating well.

But, I think two days was not long enough to marinate. The taste of miso was still not so strong. I think it should be marinated at least one or two more days.

ー Chef: “Wow, how you sliced the piece became much better. And grilling is also better than last time.

Marinating process seems not perfect, but wasn’t it better than last time?”

Me: “Yes, chef. Marinating process was a lot faster than last time. I guess it is because I sliced differently this time.

I will wait for a few more days to grill other pieces from the same batch. Then they will be marinated enough.”

Three days later.

I marinated the salmon in total 5 days. And grilled 9 minutes in the 180 °C (360 °F)  oven.

And this is the result!!

I had to half the fish to share with other people, but the marinating and grilling were the best among the last 4 trials!

I could have browned them more, but I didn’t do so because other people didn’t like well-browned fish so much.

Other thing I could have improved is plating, I think.

ー Chef: “Wow, this is the best so far, isn’t it?”

Me: “Yes, I think so too! But plating was difficult.”

ー Chef: “Yes, plating is as important as the taste itself.
I recommend to place a bigger piece as a base and let the other pieces lean onto the base.”

Me: “Thank you, chef. I will continue practicing!”

Now let’s look at my transformation!

I am very satisfied with my improvement and really looking forward to trying the new dishes and learning more from the master chefs!

Good news for you!

Now “Master of Japanese Cuisine Academy” offers a 100% online subscription plan where you can learn a variety of Japanese dishes directly from master chefs.

Just like I did.

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