Unique sushi experience for German youth para-athletes by MJCA

Unique sushi experience for German youth para-athletes by MJCA

MJCA’s initiative to provide a Japanese cuisine experience to German junior Para-athletes on September 3rd was featured by a leading local newspaper, Koelner Stadt Anzeiger.

MJCA partnered with German National Paralympic Committee/Deutscher Behindertensportverband e.V. (DBV) to provide a Japanese cooking event for 30 junior athletes with disabilities in Cologne, Germany.

These young athletes were invited to Tokyo to spectate Paralympic games. Because of Corona situation in Japan, however, the trip to Tokyo was cancelled.

MJCA’s Japanese cooking class intended to help these young athletes experience a hint of Japanese culture and tie together the band between Japan and Germany.

And, of course we will continuously support these young athletes and wishes them all the best in the next Olympic/Paralympic 2024 in Paris!

Read the full article:

German (original)

